Current Issue

> Supports Open Access
> Editor-In-Chief: A. Sazgarnia
> View Editorial Team
> Submit Your Paper
Paper submission due: Nov 22, 2017
Final decision: Dec 1, 2017
Advances in Nanobiotechnology |
Call for papers
Advances in NanoBioTechnology (ANBT) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes research papers covering scientific and technological advances in the field of molecular biology and medicine related to nanoscale sciences. The intersection of nanotechnology, molecular biology and medicine opens a wide variety of biomedical research topics. Advances in Nanobiotechnology, supported by an expert Editorial Board, will provide the latest developments in these growing fields. The journal publishes the highest quality original papers of high scientific level in the form of Full Papers, Short Communications and Reviews.
Aims and scopes
The potential scope of nanobiotechnology is broad. Sub-categories include development, design and synthesis of biocompatible bio/nano-materials; nanocomposites; nanoscale biomaterials; bio-encapsulation, bio-adsorption, controlled release of biomolecules; interactions studies of biomolecules/nanomaterials with cells, tissues, and living organisms; drug and gene delivery; molecular recognition techniques; nanocrystals and bio-crystallization processes; nanoparticles as biomarkers; theranostics and diagnostics tools; biomimetics of biological materials; nanoscale genetics and genome research; proteomics and protein-based nanostructures; nanotechnologies for cell and tissues; disease control; cancer therapeutics; nanoscale imaging; spectroscopic studies of bio/nano-materials; toxicology; nutrition.
Articles are acceptable provided they report important findings, novel insights or useful techniques in these areas. Article formats include Full Papers, Short Communications and Reviews to the Editor. We invite authors to submit original manuscripts in these categories, through the journal website ( All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subjected to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. To speed up the reviewing process, we will provide on-line refereeing of all articles submitted in electronic form. Authors receive these benefits:
- Distinguished editorial board
- Electronic submission of articles
- Fast reviewing
- Rapid times to publication
- No page charges
- Available in online editions